
What is GozoMovement?

Collaborative Work with Christopher & Denise Hyland

Classes, Workshops, Retreats, and Individual Process

By gently and progressively building experiences based in movement, sounding, breath work, nurturing touch, and other methods designed to awaken the energy currents within our bodies, we cultivate internal environments where it is possible to enter the creative matrix and mystery of universal intelligence. The dualistic principal of yin and yang or masculine-feminine energy flow underlies this mystery in all life. Whether it is in a group setting or working with individuals, we use their experience and energy in helping to create a unified polarity of these intrinsic opposites.

Many people relate deep experiences of an essential wholeness of being from this process, enabling them to let go of inhibiting patterns, anxieties, and fears. This brings greater confidence, facilitates communication, and connects one with an internal groundedness and presence of one’s positive self.

Individual Process
We are available for individual consultation with those who would like personal attention in the exploration of the inner landscape of movement and all the myriad states of being that unfold in the process.

Archive of collaborative workshops and retreats

Innovating Awareness & Intention – A 12 session class
With Denise & Christopher Hyland

Since the nature of life is movement and change, it is imperative that we come into relationship with the multi-faceted, constantly shifting layerings of existence. Our ability to maintain connectedness in the movement between our inner and outer worlds of experience has largely to do with our ability to practice open attention. It is through intentionally innovating and shifting awareness that we find the freedom and the resiliency to flourish while remaining present in the inevitable and often painful processes of growth.

Our perceptions of life are primarily based on reactions to, and memories of, what has been and the fear of what will be. Clinging to the familiar, we attempt to find security through habitual patterns that keep us trapped in the limiting structures of a fixed identity. Confined by such limitations, we become frustrated and yearn for the freedom of a more creative state of consciousness. When our intention becomes the vehicle by which we move our awareness, we are able to meet ourselves anew moment by moment.

This class will include reading, group process and experiential practice; all aimed towards cultivating our capacity for opening to new possibilities of being.

Innovating Awareness - An eight-session class for Health Artists
With Denise & Christopher Hyland

Since our bodies form the foundation of our experience of ourselves and our world, the ability to be truly secure within and to provide this sense of security and stability in the healing environment, rests, in no small part, on our own internal connectedness in our bodies. The ability to connect body, mind and soul in an experience of our integral wholeness of being, is largely a function of our awareness. Our lack of awareness tends to become habitual, rendering us blind to many ways of making contact with our innermost feelings and emotions that are vital to connecting with ourselves and others. It is first through our personal awareness that we come to understand the experiences of others. Through a fusion of Expressive BodyWork and Movement explorations and the many modalities that they encompass, we will focus on our ability to sense and to make sense by learning to access the creative intelligence and intuitive resources that lie deep within our organisms.

Additionally, the call to work with others and to be in awareness can take its toll. We will also consider grounding oneself, boundaries, re-charging from within, and providing healthy support to clients. We will focus on sensing and accessing our creative intelligence and intuitive resources.

Winter Stillness – A Four Day Retreat
With Denise & Christopher Hyland

Find solace, splendor, and wisdom in the depths of winter. Join us for a four-day journey toward stillness in movement. We will explore the sense of transitions to and from sleeping and waking; death and life; darkness and light. We will ponder how such transitions in nature can be a metaphor for how we move, grow, and change in our lives. Together, we will also submerge ourselves in wordless exploration over an extended period to invoke inner voices that dream of soulful connection to creativity, ourselves, and others.

Oceanic Explorations - A Seven Day Ocean Retreat
With Denise & Christopher Hyland

This is a special invitation to join us for a week of Oceanic Explorations at the outer banks of North Carolina in late summer. The wisdom of the nearby ocean will provide the backdrop for our internal investigations. We are initially offering this in depth retreat to those who have joined us in the past for previous retreats and those currently working in process with us.

There is no doubt the extended retreat experience is essential to building an ever deepening awareness of our essential selves and our life force. What better place to dive into this experience than the place of our origin. We will work with, by and in the ocean along with submerging ourselves for extended periods in the wordless space where dreams emerge and we awaken those inner voices that yearn for soulful connection.

< Returning to Oneself – A Seven Day Mountain Retreat
With Denise & Christopher Hyland

Facilitated by the beauty of our natural surroundings we will explore through breath, sound and movement, opening ourselves to flow and the recognition of the mysterious stirrings of our own true nature. Periods of nurturing touch will be included to contain and catalyze the parts of us that yearn for contact as well as periods of sharing, for it is through language that we are able to create a bridge between our inner and outer experience. Together we will also submerge ourselves over extended periods in the silent world and wordless place where dreams emerge and we awaken those inner voices that yearn for soulful connection to creative source. It is in the fold of the community that we form together that a container is created that holds us all.

Sharing Movement – A Workshop for Couples
With Denise & Christopher Hyland

This two day non-residential workshop is designed to afford couples an opportunity to share the opening and depth of communication that comes from moving together from our creative source. Through movement based in Movement Explorations along with nurturing touch dyads drawn from Expressive BodyWork, we will explore the intricately layered, multi faceted worlds of human interaction. Our aim is to help each couple to dive into an experience of sensing each other underneath the everyday assumptions and presumptions of who we are.