
Who We Are?


Archive of Movement Explorations

Stillness in Movement
“At the still point of the turning world, neither flesh nor fleshless:
Neither from nor towards: at the still point there the dance is.”

T.S. Elliot

Stillness is a vehicle for a deepened listening. Stillness can be experienced as movement that can be followed as an intelligent unfolding resource for wisdom and insight. In these workshops we learn to track this movement from a heightened state of attention and intention; a still point of intrinsic awareness.

Moving in Dream Time

Creativity is a state of being. Cultivate awareness and sensitivity to the intrinsic world of the body, and come into connection with the mysteries of creation. Enjoy the pleasures of opening to fluid states of being, and movement awakened by expanded experiences of internal landscapes of sensation. Move in this realm of unbound dreaming and access a deep wellspring of creative intelligence and inspiration.

Dancing from Source
"Truth is a movement art. Growth means change."

This workshop focuses on the ongoing processes of transformation that are constantly available to us within our bodies. By bringing our awareness to sensation and these deeply organic layers of movement, we find sources of renewal and enter the birthplace of all creation. As we develop fluidity in our bodies, we are no longer bound by fixed identities, but experience wholeness, belonging, union and freedom. This is the realm of revelation and creative intelligence.

Heart of Movement

This workshop focuses on our aesthetic experience and the imagination of the heart. The most basic desire in every human being is for the experience of connection. We long for connectedness universally and in intimacy. Soul is expressed through our body. It is through the awakening of our senses and perceptions, from the numbing of a fragmented culture, that we renew the capacity for a freer, more expanded expression of self. It is imperative given the stress of negotiating the relentless demands of an often-dehumanizing culture, that we school ourselves in the ways of nourishment and replenishment.

Exploring Our Oceanic Selves – An Annual Retreat
Women’s Movement & Meditation Retreat
With Janet Evergreen

We continue to learn and refine our approach, but are most profoundly impacted by the potency of the play between the stillness of meditation and exploration of movement arising from those depths. This is an opportunity to spend time in the field of intrinsic awareness, in the context of the elements of ocean and other women. By abiding in silence, whatever needs to emerge is revealed through dreams and deepened listening.